Links lead users to a different page or further information. In contrast, buttons are used to signal actions. Users should be able to identify links without relying on color or styling alone.
Code Source
Links in Capital Framework
Body text and lists
Links that appear in body text or link lists are underlined.
Links should be Regular weight if inline with other text (e.g., within a paragraph), but should be Medium weight when standing alone (e.g., in a call to action or list of links).
Inline links
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, default link style. Vestibulum orci ante, sagittis quis dolor a, fringilla dapibus nunc. Hover link style venenatis suscipit. Nulla in purus nisi. Curabitur vel odio et est auctor tincidunt. Focused link style, et ultricies erat pellentesque nec. Suspendisse quis active link style faucibus nec eu justo. Nulla ut massa eget dolor vehicula bibendum. We’ve all been to the visited link style.
Standalone links
- Pacific Blue
- 1px dotted bottom border
- 50% Pacific Blue
- 1px solid bottom border
- Pacific Blue
- 1px dotted bottom border
- Thin dotted outline
- Navy Blue
- 1px solid bottom border
- 50% Teal
- 1px solid bottom border
Links in headers
- No underline
Header 2 link style
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet. Vestibulum orci ante, sagittis quis dolor a, fringilla dapibus nunc. Nulla in purus nisi. Curabitur vel odio et est auctor tincidunt. Et ultricies erat pellentesque nec. Suspendisse quis faucibus nec eu justo. Nulla ut massa eget dolor vehicula bibendum.
Links in navigation
- No underline
- No visited link style
Links with icons
Use icons when a link needs extra emphasis. Use icons consistently, or don’t use them at all. Each icon should be used exclusively for one action.
Icons appear to the right of the link text. The color and font-size
of icons should be the same as the adjacent text, including state changes. Icons are never underlined.
External links
Use the external link minicon (glyph E610) to emphasize a non-CFPB webpage.
External links should open in the same browser window (i.e., do not set them to target="_blank"
). This allows the user to choose whether they want to open an additional window in order to view the content.
Email links
Use the Email link minicon (glyph E302) to emphasize a mailto
Document links
Documents minicons can emphasize a link that contains a file or document.
Document links should open in the same browser window (i.e., do not set them to target="_blank"
). This allows the user to choose whether they want to open an additional window in order to view the content.